Sacha Inchi seeds, that have a history dating back to 3000 years ago in Peru are a new addition to the super food world. The Incas in the Peruvian forests grew Sacha Inchi many centuries before. That is the reason it is also called Inca peanuts. The representation in the ceramics and tombs of the Incans prove this.
History shows that the warriors used the oil from these seeds for cooking. How did this seed with a rich history and legacy become popular today? How did this gain an international recognition? How did this enter the global market from the Amazon rain forest? It is a known fact that the Incan Civilization was one of the most powerful civilizations in the world.
Researches and studies prove that it is this superfood that kept them healthy and powerful both physically and mentally. Nowadays people are on the lookout for healthy natural foods. It is of no wonder that Sacha Inchi seeds with its impressive history created a buzz and is growing in popularity.
Sacha Inchi Nutrient Content and Benefits
The main component of Sacha Inchi is omega-3 fatty acid, omega-6 fatty acid and omega-9. They are all very important components for the overall health of the body.
- They give the following health benefits:
- Improves digestion.
- Reduces the risk of heart diseases.
- Improves the skin health and texture. It makes the skin glow.
- Treats diabetes by decreasing the sugar levels in blood.
- Improves the mental health and treats mental diseases like depression.
- Gives relief from symptoms of menopause.
- Stimulates hair growth.
- Treats hormonal imbalance.
- Improves the functioning of kidneys.
- Increases the functioning of brain and memory.
- Reduces inflammation in joints.
- Lowers cholesterol levels.
1. Sacha Inchi is useful in reducing the blood pressure.
2. It improves the vision because of the nutrients and vitamins present.
3. It is rich in antioxidant properties and it helps in reduction of inflammation in all parts of the body.
4. It is high in fiber content. Therefore, it is easy to digest. It does not cause any abdomen problems like bloating, diarrhea and gas. Our body can absorb Sacha Inchi quickly without losing much of its benefits. Its fiber content helps you eat less and follow any weight loss routine.
5. It contains vitamin E, which is very essential for skin care. It also supports important systems like respiratory system and cardio vascular system.
6. Tryptophan is another important ingredient in Sacha Inchi, which is needed to balance the serotonin levels in the brain. This helps in reduction of stress and hyperactivity in children. It also helps in treating sleeplessness and emotional eating etc.
7. It reduces the risk of diseases like cancer because of its antioxidant properties.
8. It increases the strength of bones because it stimulates calcium absorption.
9. Its rich protein content makes it a good source of energy.
10. It has no cholesterol at all. This makes this a good natural weight loss product.
11. It is very useful during pregnancy and breast-feeding. It improves the health of the pregnant woman and avoids postnatal depression. It keeps the babies born prematurely healthy.
12. It prevents the symptoms of aging by avoiding free radical damage.
Sacha Inchi benefits do not stop here. There are many more benefits. It is definitely a super food to improve the overall health and immunity.
In what forms are Sacha Inchi available and how to use them?
It is available in the form of powder, oil, capsule and roasted nuts.
The dry roasted nuts are tasty to eat. It can be made tastier by tossing it with a little salt and olive oil. It can also be added to salads to make them crunchier and tastier.
Sacha Inchi oil can be used internally and externally. It can be used externally to keep the skin and hair healthy. It can be added to salads as dressing, for making dough for bread and for marinating etc. It can be used as an alternative to olive oil. Sacha Inchi powder can be mixed with water, soups and juices. It is available in the form of drugs. It can be taken daily as a health supplement.
Where to buy Sacha Inchi?
Sachs Inchi is available online and in stores. It is a wise option to buy it online rather than mortar and brick stores. Buying online is a good option to save money and choose the best original Peruvian Sacha Inchi available. There is no need to go in search of original Sacha Inchi oil, seeds and powder when it can be purchase from the comforts of your home and have them delivered at home without stepping down from your home.