5 great supermarkets you can buy your groceries while in Lima, Peru with their locations ,delivery information, and links to their websites.

So where do you go when you want to buy food and drinks, snacks or beer or wine and there is no Walmart or Target in Lima, Peru?

Maybe you tasted one of many excellent Peruvian dishes and are looking to bring some of the ingredients back or discover that Peruvian herbal teas and sweet desserts make better gifts than t-shirts.

Supermarkets and grocery stores in Peru are as good as any Walmart in food selection and prices.

If you are not in the mood of leaving your hotel room, some markets have quick deliveries, a really convenient feature.

For grocery prices go to : 30+ Grocery Items Prices in Lima, Peru

UPDATE: This article has been updated on May 9th, 2019. I removed some outdated information, made the list a bit clearer, added pictures and website links. I hope you like it and please don’t forget to share it with your friends. Thanks.

What is “Hipermercados” or “Hiper”

You will see in many supermarkets in Lima and other cities, the name “Hiper”.

“Hiper” is equivalent to the designation of hypermarket, an establishment with a sales floor covering an area of 5K to 15K square meters (or 54K to 161K sq.ft.) containing a full spectrum of products ranging from groceries, products for your home, clothing, small appliances.

These “hipermercados” should also have a lot of space allocated for parking and carry the most merchandise variety.

1) Plaza Vea:

Plaza Vea Supermarket
Plaza Vea Supermarket

Good assortment of good quality products good prices.



Miraflores: Av. Arequipa block 46 – Av. Petit Thouars block 49
Monday to Sunday from 8am to 10pm
Services: Photo processing, flower shop, Deli, InkaFarma pharmacy, etc.

San Isidro: Camino Real 1335 E. Bustamante y E. Cavenecia.
Monday to Sunday from 8am to 10pm
Services: Photo processing, flower shop, Deli, InkaFarma pharmacy, etc.

For more stores visit their web site.

2) Vivanda:

Buy groceries in Lima, Peru
Vivanda Supermarket

Good source for imported foods from America and fresh products. More expensive than other supermarkets.

Delivery Express: 620-3000
Delivery page: (Here you can find purchase details and delivery maps)

Most stores open from 8am – 10pm.

The store in Avenida Benavides 487 (corner with Alcanfores) in Miraflores is open 7 days 24 hours.

Has a coffee place, Interbank, ATMs and   Inkafarma pharmacy.

3) Metro:

Metro Supermarket

Member of the Wong chain of food stores. Good prices, a good selection of grocery products (at a very good affordable prices) and the number of stores makes this brand very popular.

You can visit their website to find the closest Metro supermarket. Metro carries their own brand of products which are of very good quality.


4) Tottus:

Tottus Supermarket

A good selection of food and wines, as well as fresh produce, and small kitchen appliances.

San Isidro: Av Las Begonias 785 (next to Saga Falabella)
Phone: 513-7260

Open Monday to Sunday from 8am to 10pm.
For more store locations visit their website.


5) Wong:

Wong Supermarket

Wong’s 14 supermarkets offer vast selection of products and great service. Their e-commerce website offers the possibility for customers to buy online and have the products delivered home.

Some of their stores also offer valet parking and “green” ideas like recycling of plastic and glass bottles, paper and batteries.

Good selection of grocery items, small kitchen appliances, baby products, even exercise equipment, and electronics.

Phone: (511) 613-8888
Delivery charges
Delivery to Miraflores costs between 5.00 and 10.60 Nuevos Soles.
Delivery to San Isidro costs between 5.00 and 9.35 Nuevos Soles.
Delivery to Lince costs between between 5.00 y 10.60 Nuevos Soles.

How Much to Pay for Groceries in Lima

What kind of prices can you expect to pay for groceries in Lima, Peru? Read 30+ Grocery Items Prices in Lima, Peru to get a better idea.

Videos to Get the “Feel” of Peruvian Supermarkets

What is the experience like of shopping in a Peruvian supermarket?

Just like shopping anywhere else (like a Walmart, I guess).

Lots and lots and products (and lots and lots of people).

Have some patience, checkout lines are usually long.


That’s it folks.

Hope you like this updated article about supermarkets and where to buy groceries while in Lima, Peru.

As always, please don’t forget to share this article and if you like the videos, please visit their sites (YouTube) and give some likes.

For us bloggers, “Likes” are our food and makes us feel good to know that we are helping other travelers. Thanks.

7 thoughts on “5 Supermarkets to buy your Groceries in Lima, Peru

  1. the information was complete and precise. shopping centers are a bit different in Peru but you can find anything pretty much anywhere you go. Remember to check-in your bags before going in or it can mean trouble later on.

  2. I was lucky that a superstore was just in front of my room. Plaza Vea I think is was called, good stuff and good prices. happy 🙂

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