This is Part 2 of 2. Part 1: We are waiting for an airplane part…
The good news, if any, is that when an airline cancels a flight it will try to reroute the most expensive tickets first. In the case of a person flying from let’s say, San Francisco to Houston to Lima, Peru, that is an expensive ticket. Imagine the airline not being able to get you to Houston on time to board the sometimes only international flight to Lima. Not only will the seat go empty but there is a good chance the airline will have to book you on another airline to Peru.
So even before getting to the airline counters, although is a good idea, someone will page your name at the airport for you to pickup your new tickets. Of course, the possibilities increased if you chose to flight on the earliest segment, for example the first or second flight leaving San Francisco in the morning as opposed to the last flight leaving late afternoon.
Once you have your new itinerary there is one more thing left to do. Make sure your bags are also going in the same plane. Very politely, ask the officer to check where your bags are and to make sure to update their destination. There is a good chance, depending on the time between departures that your bags won’t make it in the same flight, but don’t worry too much, fill a “lost bag” form at the airport in Lima and ask to get the luggage deliver to your hotel. Go out and enjoy your first night in Lima, Peru.
I am not 100% sure about the other airlines and I hoped some travelers can comment here but when you flight Continental from US to Lima, Peru, their latest planes have individual lcd screens (free !!!) for your pleasure. And yes, it is a pleasure, you can choose from different movies, or TV shows or play some games. It definitely helps to pass time and puts you in control of when to watch what.
It’s a long flight lasting around six hours but completely worth it. Enjoy and please add your airport experience for everyone to read and learn.