While traveling abroad is very common to look for a way to connect back to the internet, you might need to check emails, read the news, or even upload your latest photos to the cloud. In any event, you find yourself using a public Wi-Fi.

The benefits of using public Wi-Fi while traveling are numerous, many times you cannot count on your domestic data plan anymore, public Wi-Fi solves that situation by allowing you to connect easily to the web.

An even if your data plan is available, it might not be a cost-effective solution anymore. Speed might also be an issue. A public Wi-Fi allows you to update files, apps and software rapidly, as well as being able to watch a movie without having to worry about going over your allowance or having to pay a lot of money for access.

Besides public Wi-Fi is made available to ensure visitors are entertained, informed and enlightened while enjoying a vacation or time-off in a different country.

Risks Associated with Using Public Wi-Fi

Regardless of these numerous advantages, users face several risks while using Public Wi-Fi.

Public Wi-Fi is provided for mutually beneficial reasons. The providers require something in return for marketing value.

Also, hackers are known to pose as free public Wi-Fi, and unsuspecting surfers have been cheated this way only to have their passwords, credit card information, PayPal account and personal data stolen.

Safety Precautions While Using Public Wi-Fi

To avoid any problems, it is important to always use free public Wi-Fi with an abundance of caution.

Here are some safety tips you practice while using public Wi-Fi:

1.      Check terms and conditions before using the connection

As mentioned before, many public or free Wi-Fi connections are provided in exchange for particular information for marketing purposes. This may include caches, surfing history, cookies as well as email and phone numbers.

In this case, is important to balance your need for privacy versus your need to have a connection to the Internet.

If agreeing to the usage policy makes you uncomfortable, you can either avoid it or search for other Wi-Fi connections that are less risky.

Use of a network mapping app can help a great deal. Several sites that are reliable are never absolutely free and the best ones will require some kind of registration.

Making sure that your device has a malware or antivirus installed is one of the best ways for avoiding adware, as well as any virus that can be spread through unsecured networks.

2.      It is important to have a VPN app installed on the gadgets

If you pick up one tip that can save your private and financial information, this is it.

Connecting through the use of VPN will allow you to secure your communication and will put you in charge of protecting your personal data.

Using a VPN connection is one of the easiest process available to laptops and cellphones.

The VPN apps are the most effective in encrypting information. They perform this function by rerouting the information a surfer shares through the unsecured public network to encrypted servers and thus no one is able to snoop over.

There are mobile browsing apps that have inbuilt apps such as Opera Mini.

3.      Update your Operating System

This is important as an out of date system may not provide the necessary protection against unintended folder and file sharing. It is important to cross-check this before any use.

It is encouraged to use accredited browsers. In case one is using mobile phones, it is recommended that one sticks to mobile browsers as they are superior at encoding information and protecting against unnecessary exposure.

Turn off such options of file sharing is they are enabled.

4.      Use Unique Logging Credentials

Passwords should not be recycled in numerous websites that have been logged into via public Wi-Fi.

Hackers who happen to steal such credentials can go viral in the way they may use it. In addition to this it is an additional advantage to always log off the website after use, and prompt the device to forget the connection to avoid future automatic connection that may be detrimental.

Avoid as much as possible downloading anything over the unsecured networks. Avoid also logging into sensitive websites over these free or public Wi-Fi networks.

The best advice is to change the passwords of the sites you are going to be using while connected to a public Wi-Fi, this way you can isolate any issues and once back from your travel, you can set those passwords back to their original passwords.

Best Wi-Fi Protection

These are some of the best Wi-Fi protection software in the market today. Norton WiFi Privacy VPN allows you to protect your Windows laptop and MacOS, and you can choose between protecting 1, 5 or 10 devices. Perfect to protect all your family.


Be it as it may be, public Wi-Fi is becoming increasingly secure as several providers have been enhancing more on its security.

These tips should help you use a public Wi-Fi without having to worry about your privacy or personal information thieves.

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